12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
Материал опубликовала
Белова Светлана Сергеевна8516
Россия, Ярославская обл.
Материал размещён в группе «Учителя иностранного языка»

Name: ___________________________________________________ ___

Class:___________________ Date:_______________________________

TEST 8 (MODULE 8) Mark________ (103)


A. Match the words from two columns.

a box of                                                   a) milk

a carton of                                               b) coffee

a bowl of                                                 c) olive oil

a glass of                                                 d) cereal

a packet of                                               e) rice

a bottle of                                                f ) water

a cup of                                                    g) pasta

Points: _______ (7)

B. Match the verbs and the nouns.

1. exchange                                                a) houses

2. light                                                        b) costumes

3. decorate                                                  c) parades

4. set off                                                     d) food

5. have                                                        e) the festival

6. celebrate                                                  f) gifts

7. dress up in                                                g) bonfires

8. cook                                                         h) fireworks

Points: _______ (8)

C. Complete the words with the missing letters.

1.a c_ _ _ _n of milk

2. a g_ _ _s of apple juice

3. a l_ _ f of bread

4. a c _ _ of tea

5. a b _ _ of chocolate

Points: _______ (10)


D. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalized words.

At about 16 teenagers start to invite boys and

girls to their birthday(1)________________ . PARTY

There is a lot of

(2) ________________  games to help find a partner DANCE

They often make up (3)_________________________ own games so THEY

that everyone finds their own partner. The trick

(4)___________________ always to have the same numbers of BE

boys and girls! At 18(5)__________________________________ are celebrated BIRTHDAY with family members and friends.

People(6) ________________________have a big party. USUAL

Points: _______ (12)

E. Choose the correct word.

 a/some apples

some/an oranges

a/an banana

some/ a tea

some/a salt

a/an lemon

some/a coffee

some/ a water melons 

Points: _______ (8)

F. Complete the gaps with: some, any, much, many.

1. A: How ___________ apricots  have we got?
B: Not ___________.

2. There are ___________ peas, but there aren`t ___________ onions.

3. A: Are there ___________ apples?

B: Yes, but not ___________.

4. A: Are there ___________ bananas?

B: No, there aren`t ___________

Points: _______ (8)

G. Use the prompts to complete the exchanges.

Can I take your order?
How about pizza?
Enjoy your meal.
There is some.
That would be nice.

A: Would you like a glass of apple juice?
B: (1)……………………………………………….
A: (2)……………………………………………….
B: I`d like a sandwich, please.
A: (3)……………………………………………….
B: I don`t think so.
A: (4)……………………………………………….
B: Thank you.
A: Is there any tomato juice?
B: (5)……………………………………………….

Points: _______ (10)

Everyday English

H. Choose the correct response.

How about another piece of cake? _______

Are there any onions in the basket? _______

Enjoy your meal. _______

Can I take your order? _______

Would you like anything to drink with that? _______

A. I’ll have a coke, thanks
B. I’d love some.
C. Thank you.
D. Not many.
E. I’d like a cheeseburger, please.

Points: _______ (10)


I. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F),

Not Stated (NS).

New Year is the biggest celebration in Russia. The belief is that the way you celebrate the New Year you will spend the whole year. So, everyone wants to cook special food, to dress up, to be with their family and friends, to take photographs, to have fun and laugh until dawn. Usually, people spend the New Year’s Eve at home with their family. Only after midnight, when the New Year begins, young people go out to parties with friends.

Russians exchange gifts on the New Year day. A lot of Russian children believe that Grandfather Frost, Ded Moroz, visits their homes at night. He is accompanied by his granddaughter Snegurochka who helps him to distribute the gifts.

1. People decorate the houses, visit their

relatives to give them presents.

2. Russians like to dress up in new clothes

for this holiday.

3. On the New Year Day after midnight

people usually go to bed.

4. Many people believe in Grandfather Frost.

5. Russians like to give and receive gifts on this day.


J. Listen to the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F).

1. The children celebrate the coming in of warm days.

2. They have a special celebration at school.

3. The children decorate the maypole and cook special food.

4. Members of the family are not invited to the celebration.

5. The children sing special songs on that day.

Points: _______ (10)

K. You’ve got an e-mail from your English pen friend. Write him a letter and answer his two questions. Write 50-60 words.

It is my birthday tomorrow. I hope Mum will make a special cake as she always makes me a birthday cake. We usually decorate my room with balloons. I invite all my classmates and we play games. Mum makes funny sandwiches and we have biscuits and a lot of lemonade. How do you usually celebrate your birthday? Do you invite many guests?

Write back soon.


Points: _______ (10)



In May, we celebrate the "coming in" of summer. Cold, dark days are gone and we look forward to warmer days. We celebrate with flowers, live music, singing and dancing. We prepare garlands of flowers, or May crowns, for all the children to wear. Each child has rainbow ribbons in hand and dances around the Maypole to the song and music. Finally, we all come together to share a festive picnic. All the school community celebrates this festival including many grandparents and friends.

Опубликовано в группе «Учителя иностранного языка»

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